Sunday, July 19, 2009

Seeking Nominations for DFCS Director Positions

This notice is to inform you that your Distinguished Flying Cross Society will be holding our election for Directors at the Annual Membership Meeting in October, 2009. We have two Directors, Reed Phillips, and Bob Krone who is currently serving as our Secretary are up for reelection. In addition we have two open seats on the board to be filled. I have been appointed as the Chair of the Nominating Committee. In addition to informing you of the upcoming election I would like to know if there are any members who would like to serve the Society as a Director. What we would like to see are members with legal, accounting, fund raising, public relations or other professional backgrounds, or any who feel they can contribute to the growth and professionalism of your Society. I am requesting that a member who wishes to be a nominee submit a brief one page biography, outlining military and civilian experience and the reasons why you wish to serve your society. I would prefer submission via e-mail and/or as a Microsoft WORD file. Please send to me